Lise 1 İngilizce Sorumluluk Sınavı Soru ve Cevapları

Lise 1 İngilizce Sorumluluk Sınavı Soru ve Cevapları
[caption id="attachment_1111" align="alignleft" width="300"]Lise 1 İngilizce Sorumluluk Sınavı Soru ve Cevapları Lise 1 İngilizce Sorumluluk Sınavı Soru ve Cevapları[/caption]9. Sınıf İngilizce Sorumluluk Sınavı Soru ve Cevapları 1. Melisa never ….home late. a) came b) will come c) comes d) has come 2. How many books….you…. so far? a)have / read b) did / readed c) has / read d) are / reading 3. My uncle……his car when we saw him. a) is washing b) was washing c) washed d) washes 4. My friends…….holiday last month. a) are going on b) must go c) went on d) has gone 5. Students ……an important exam now. a) taking b) have taken c) took d) are taking 6. You……go to school at the weekends. a) must b) don’t have to c) should d) could 7. Her grandmother……very beautiful. a) used to b) didn’t used to be c) used to be d)was used to 8. I …ride a bike now but I ….when I was 2 years old. a) can / can b)could / can c) could / could d) can / couldn’t 9. The road is icy so the drivers … drive slowly. a) don’t have to b) must c) could d) mustn’t 10. If the weather is very cold, ……………. a) wear thin clothes b) drink cold water c) take your umbrella d) wear warm clothes 11. If they invite me to the party,….. a) I may go b) I could go c) I went d) I am go 12. If you boil water, ……………. a) it may evaporate b) it will evaporate c) it evaporate d) it evaporates 13. If you see a black cat,…… a) it brings good luck b) it brings bad luck c) you will become rich d) you will be happy 14. He is a person who grows vegetables. a) doctor b) teacher c) farmer d) fireman 15. It is a tool……we use to cut something a) which b) where c) whose d) whom 16. Ankara is a city… can meet politicians a) whose b) which c) whom d) where 17. This is my friend ….parents live in England. a) who b) whom c) whose d) which 18. This is the town…we visited last year. a) which b) where d) when d) while 19. Do you know the boy…Ayşe is talking to now? a) who b) which c) whose d) whom 20. February is …..month of the year. a) shorter than b) shortest c) the shortest d) longest 21. Summer is ………winter. a) hotter than b) as hot as c) the hottest d) hotter 22. The comparative form of bad is… a) better b) worse c) badder d) more bad 23. The comparative form of many is…. a) more b) manier c) mostly d) more many 24. Let’s go to the cinema, ………..? a) aren’t you b) will you c) shall we d) why not 25) I am telling you the truth, ………? a) aren’t you b) aren’t I c) shall we d) haven’t I 26. You have to go to school on weekdays,…….? a) don’t you b) do you c) haven’t you d) have you 27. Don’t come home late,………….? a) do you b) will you c) don’t you d) shall we 28. Your father works at a school,………….? a) won’t he b) didn’t he c) doesn’t he d) isn’t he 29. The robbers have taken a lot of money,………? a) aren’t they b) haven’t they c) didn’t they d) shall we 30. Ayşe is a hardworking student….her brother is so lazy. a) in spite of b) however c) whereas d) although 31. She doesn’t like milk._____, she has to drink it everyday. a) Despite b) although c) yet d) however 32. He can’t play basketball well…….he is very tall. a) yet b) despite c) however d) although 33. ……her illness, she went to work yesterday. a) despite b) although c) in spite d) whereas 34. ….sun rises in….morning. a) a / the b) the / the c) the / an d) a / an 35. There is .. man outside. ….man is asking for you. a) the / the b) a / a c) a / the d) the / a 36. What is your best friend like? a) He likes ice cream b) He likes playing games c) He is tall and thin d) He is very kind 37. What does Hidayet Türkoğlu look like? a) He likes basketball b) He is very tall c) He likes his family d) He is successful 38. Mr Rich has got….. money. a) much b) many d) a lot of d) any 39. Would you like to drink… a) some b) any c) many d) nothing 40. Atatürk was born …Salonika …1881. a) in / at b) in / in b) on / in d) at / in 41. Cihanbeyli is a town ….Konya …..Ankara. a) between / and b) in / at c) before/ after d) in / after 42. Mr. Poor hasn’t got ….. money to buy this car. a) too b) enough c) so d) such 43. I can’t drink this coffee. It is…….hot. a) enough b) not enough c) since d) too 44. He is driving….fast. He may have an accident. a) enough b) too c) not d) more 45. He is a ….mechanic. He mends the cars ….. a) careful/ careless b) successful / careful c) successful / successfully d) carefully / carefully 46. When she saw the accident, she…… a) shocked b) was shocking c) was shocked d) didn’t shocked 47. Today it is … . We can go for picnic. a) sun b) cold c) wind d) sunny 48. Which one is different? a) pencil b) water c) milk d) bread 49. Mike has lived here…..1999. a) for b) from c) since d) so far 50. The firemen came and ….. the fire an hour ago. a) put off b) put out c) turn off d) put up